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Francis Drake Schiff

Golden Hind: Sir Francis Drake's Legendary Galleon

A Symbol of Exploration and Piracy

Description and History

WEB Golden Hind was a galleon captained by Francis Drake in his circumnavigation of the world between 1577 and 1580. Originally known as Pelican, Drake renamed her mid-voyage in honor of the golden hind, a mythical creature that symbolized his pursuit of treasure. The galleon was a powerful vessel, measuring approximately 100 feet long and 35 feet wide. It was armed with 18 cannons and carried a crew of over 100 sailors.

Francis Drake's Circumnavigation

Sir Francis Drake is best known for circumnavigating Earth from 1577-1580, becoming the first Englishman to do so. During his voyage, he plundered Spanish ships along the way, amassing a vast fortune. Drake's exploits made him a national hero in England but a hated figure in Spain.

Legacy of the Golden Hind

The Golden Hind remains an iconic symbol of exploration and piracy. Today, a full-size reconstruction of the galleon is available for public viewing at St. Mary Overie Dock in London, allowing visitors to experience the grandeur of this historic vessel. The original Golden Hind was eventually lost at sea, but its legend continues to live on.
